Friday, July 26, 2013

What I Want to Know is---What Am I Gonna Do About It?

OK--so now we know.  Francis isn't going to reform the Curia, and the US Bishops don't give a rats bottom about freedom of religion, the sanctity of life or basic honesty.

For years, faithful Catholics have been bilked into giving money for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.  It's quite simply a rip off where Catholics are told it's for the poor, when it's for politics.  In fact, it's founding documents prohibit it from engaging in poor relief--all it's money is for political ends.  Left wing political ends.

Of course, when you start giving money to leftist political groups, you only go about a millimeter before some of that money goes to those who not only are not in sympathy with the Church, but hate it.  And then another millimeter and you end up giving money to people who like the murdering of babies in the privacy and convenience of their mothers womb.  When this happens, the word gets out, and changes get made, and as soon as we're not looking the same old same old happens. 

But there is Catholic Relief Services, started in the 1940s to succor those whose lives and homes were devastated by war.  It's been very well respected as a charity, with a very high proportion of funds collected going for poor relief.  I believe over 90%, at or near the top.

Except this outreach of the US Catholic Bishops proves to be no better than the CCHD at not giving money to baby killers .  In fact, giving 2.7 million to Population Services International an organization whose main thing is providing training to perform and promoting the use of Abortions.  PSI is largely funded through pornography sales by the company Adam & Eve, which was set up to generate cash to fund population control measures--Contraception, Abortion and such sundry murderously evil actions--at brown people, I will add.  We've given 2.7 million of our dollars, to a pornography funded death program that kills people of color.  How on Earth is this Catholic?    It get's worse.  CRS has been working with this group for a decade or so.

Last year they gave 13 million dollars to the pro-abortion group CARE.    I ask you--how is CARE a catholic ministry to the poor?  Where is our identifiable ministry with all this money?  Why are we giving it to groups, and not to people?  Why aren't we using the funds for the poor to support our missionaries running programs in areas we're trying to help?

As a Catholic I wanted to know the answer to that.  Now I do.

It's so "Catholic" Relief Services can pass out contraceptives in our name. 

Our Bishops are supposed to be leading us in a fight for our religious freedom, occasioned by the government enforcing us to pay for abortions and contraceptives through their health care law.  It's bad enough that one of our major universities is now providing insurance that pays for these things (Georgetown).  It's even worse that the Archdiocese of New York does as well.  It will make it harder to argue when this gets to court that we can't do that as a Church when parts of us already are.  But when the Bishops official outreaches so blythly spread murder through the world by abortion and contraception, we haven't a leg to stand on--all the Government needs to do is show that we already support such things.

All I need to know now is what I"m going to do about it, personally.

1 comment:

  1. The only Catholic charity I support is 'Aid to the Church in Need'. I don't trust the others.

    Sad isn't it?
