Saturday, July 13, 2013

I have an Idea--let get in the Bishops face to save our Freedom!!!!!

Look, we're fighting for our religious freedom, and losing.  We're losing because of the Bishops.

We. Are. Losing. Because. Of. The. Bishops.

They are not only moral cowards, they are hypocrites to boot.

The Cardinal Archbishop of New York is paying for insurance for the Archdiocesan employees that does what we're telling the Government we may not do--pay for contraception and abortificients.  So, there's a blow to our argument in court right there.

There are the antics of the Catholic Health Association  and it's evil, heretical, crypto-schismatic and vile "religious sisters" in praising Obamacare in all it's aspects.  While it's clear that at least one thing must be done--declare them non-catholic,  The other things that must be done are not being mentioned.

First --Cardinal Dolan needs to be removed from his see, suspended of all priestly ministry, and excommunicated for obtaining abortions--through paying premiums that pay for abortificient drugs--until he publicly repents, and then he needs to be made Archpriest of a small shrine in Alaska, that seats 15.  The religious sisters who staff the CHA need to be excommunicated as well, and local ordinaries refuse them permission to minister in their dioceses.  They need to be sanctioned so hard that no one can believe that the Catholic church has room for the kind of cooperation with evil they are displaying.

We need to write to His Holiness, and beg him to discipline American Bishops who allow pro-murder Pro-Abortion politicians to receive communion. 

The American Bishops need to reassert their authority, to use their power.  Because things like this this  simply weaken us when we have to go to court to protect our rights--a lawyer can simply argue that the nuns are still in good standing when they do what ever, and we haven't sanctioned politicians, etc.   The inaction of the Bishops--brought forth from cowardice masquerading as "prudence" or "pastoral concern" or what have you, is undermining our freedom.

We need to write to His Holiness, and beg him to discipline American Bishops who allow pro-murder and Pro-Abortion politicians to receive communion.  We need to beg him to sanction religious communities of Pontifical Right who embrace schism, heresy and murderous medical practices.

And we need to write to our own bishops, our own ordinaries, and tactfully, but forcefully explain to them how they are hurting us, and explain that we shall give our financial support directly to ministries and poor relief that doesn't support abortion, abortionists, sodomy and sodomites and immorality as Catholic Relief Services and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development have bee proven to.  We should also explain we will not be able to support certain parishes until they teach Catholic Morality.  (The Cathedral Parish in Louisville comes to my mind--listed as one of the two most "gay friendly" parishes in Kentucky by the proscribed New Ways Ministries, and having rejected the courage ministry).  Finally we should point out to them that if we neglected our duties in our own employment to the extent that they do in failing to enforce Canon Law against politicians who claim to be catholic, yet wage war against the Church, or support abortion, or sodomy and perversion, we would be fired.  and not only would we be fired, it woudl be a sin to take pay for work we haven't done.

We need to do this, not only to protect our Liberties,and our own morality, but for the Bishops themselves--because the word "episcopal" stems ultimately  from a Greek word meaning "overseer"--and who will watch the watchers?  Who will evangelize our Bishops and remind them we are as a church to save souls, first, all else proceeding from that.  Our Bishops need us to remind them that they to must face the Final Four Things.

And if we don't get our act together we will do penance collectively.  The penance of persecution, prosecution and perhaps even violent injury.

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